Saturday, December 31, 2011

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.04 Duets (part 2)

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.04 Duets (Part 2)
by Akilah
Sam: Sam’s dyslexic. He reveals this in the previous episode. So that means that his perception of words sometimes gets skewed and he has a hard time reading. But this is symbolic. Within the Glee narrative, Sam’s perception of people is a little bit off. He can’t always see people for who or what they are. He definitely can not read them. Sam takes people at face value, not really understanding that they may have deeper motivations. This inability to “read” people allows him to be easy to manipulate. In this episode Sam is bounced around all over the place. He’s in and out of people’s schemes and doesn’t even know it. Its going to take Sam quite a while before he gains a clear perception and becomes his own man. But for now, this is where he’s at, so let’s take a look at him in 2.04.

When Mr. Schue introduces Sam as the new member of ND, Finn is so excited that he jumps out of his chair and stands side by side with Sam. He then tells Sam where to sit. Finn sees Sam as someone he can direct, and at this point, Sam is cooperating.

Sam replaced Finn as QB, but he also replaces Finn as Kurt’s new unrequited love interest. Kurt approaches Sam about doing a duet, and also accuses him of dying his hair. When Kurt learns that Sam has never heard of the classic musicals that feature male duet partners, he says “Maybe you are straight.” Sam replies by saying “What,” as if he didn’t quite catch what Kurt said. Its obvious that Kurt is accusing Sam of being a “closet case” and is trying to get closer to him romantically. But Sam can’t see this. Again, he’s unable to read people and see through to their motivations.

Finn approaches Kurt and doesn’t want him to take advantage of Sam, but he and Rachel plot and make their own plans for using Sam. They decide that Sam should win the competition so that ND can blieve in him. This act of generosity is completely shallow and surface. Finn and Rachel don’t really want anyone else to “win” or lead in ND but them. Sam is just a tool in their quest to keep power. Letting Sam win is just a symbolic gesture to keep the rest to the club from rebeling against them. Sam is nothing more than a tool in their quest to hold onto the leadership in ND.

When Finn confronts Sam about singing with Kurt, Sam doesn’t see the big deal. Finn tells him that if it got out, that he could jeopardize his popularity. Sam says that Finn is confusing his head, since Finn is the one who told him that Glee club is cool, now he’s telling him that it potentially marks him for bullying. Finn has been manipulating Sam since day one. Sam just doesn’t have the perception skills to be able to see this.

Sam tells Finn that he gave Kurt his word and in his “world, that’s that.” Its refreshing and immediatley sets him apart from Finn and other members of ND. Sam is willing to embarrass his self in order to maintain his integrity. He’s loyal and trustworthy. Let’s compare this to what Finn did to Artie in 2.03. No wonder Finn is taken aback. He thought Sam was just a blond version of himself.

We learn that Sam is primarily motivated by two things, popularity and integrity. These two things can’t always co-exist, as Sam learns when he leaves the locker room and is attacked by slushies. Welcome to New Directions.

Quinn witnesses this and helps him clean up. There’s attraction and they do a lot of eye gazing. They are a perfect picture, until Sam opens his mouth. He speaks in Navi and Quinn is not impressed. She rolls her eyes and looks embarassed for him. But Sam continues. He can’t quite pick up on the fact that she doesn’t like it and thinks he’s behaving like a dork. Again, Sam’s perception of what’s going on around him is limited.

When Kurt tells Sam that he won’t be doing a duet with him, Sam asks Quinn to be his new partner. They reharse in a classroom that has a solar system model, and Sam points out “Venus, the planet of love” and looks at Quinn. Quinn tells him that its really “Mars, the planet of war.” Sam mistakes war for love. Again, his perception is off. Quinn is completely aware of what this is and isnt feeling love, but war with herself. Sam is just a small part of it. She rejects Sam’s kiss and lets him know that he’s not really in her plans. Sam is in and out of people’s plans and he doesn’t really have much of a say in any of it.

Finn and Rachel manipulate Sam and Quinn into performing together. Rachel uses the promise of popularity and power to influence Quinn, and this makes her agree to sing with Sam. He now has a purpose and can be part of her plans. But Sam can’t really see this because he can’t really see Quinn. He’s blinded by her. He tells her that she should wear sunglasses to cover her eyes, because they are such a distraction.

Can we talk about their duet song for a minute. Its called “Lucky,” thats when you get something that you really haven’t earned. Well, Sam and Quinn win the competition and it was not something they earned. They only won because Rachel and Finn voted for them and “threw” the competition. See, everyone else voted for themselves, so the only way anyone could win is if Rachel and Finn voted for them. They chose Sam and Quinn before they even performed. “Lucky,” indeed.
What we learn about Sam in this episode is that he’s loyal, honorable (Kurt described him as such), and has integrity. But he’s also driven by popularity, trusts people too easily, and isn’t able to see deeper than surface level with most people because he can’t read their motivations. Sam has a lot of growing to do, but he also has strengths that many adults never possess.

Samcedes: Sam and Mercedes meet for the first time in this episode and there are a few Samcedes moments. Clearly when Mercedes sees Sam for the first time, she thinks he’s cute.

And during her performance with Santana, Sam was checking out her ass when she did the booty shake. At the end of the performance he looks at Mercedes and Santana and licks his lips.

Before Kurt performs his solo, Mercedes and Sam are sitting next to each other in the choir room.

And the best Samcedes moment of the episode was after Rachel and Finn perform their awful duet. Mercedes is the first to respond to it. “Okay, do I even need to say it…” she says, but guess who finishes her sentence. “That was really rude,” Sam says, as if answering Mercedes question. These two are on the same wavelength and don’t even know it.

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.04 Duets (part 1)

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.04 Duets (Part 1)
by Akilah
Sam and Mercedes finally meet in this episode
Mercedes: We first see Mercedes in the choir room, sitting next to Kurt, the two are laughing and joking. Sam is introduced as the newest member of ND and she and Kurt both give him an appraising look. They both seem to approve of him. Kurt tells her that Sam is gay because he dyes his hair platinum blond. Mercedes looks at Sam with a quizzical expression on her face, trying to see what Kurt see but she doesn’t. She tells Kurt, “You’re crazy.” Again, we see that these two are interpreting the world and things around them differently. Mercedes just doesn’t see what Kurt sees.

When Mr. Schue announces the duets competition, Mercedes turns to Kurt to ask who he’s going to sing with. Her question almost appears to be an invitation. I think she wants Kurt to sing with her. Kurt give her a look like he’s considering choosing Mercedes but his eyes lower, and he glances a the back of Sam’s head. Kurt loves Mercedes, but he really wants a boyfriend, and at this point, getting a boyfriend is more important to him then singing with her. This is an example of where Kurt is at this particular moment in his life. He’s ready to branch out of the comfortable pseudo-romantic relationship he has with Mercedes, so he can find an actual significant other. Mercedes is losing Kurt.

But someone else enters Mercedes life, that person is Santana. When Santana approaches Mercedes about doing a duet, Mercedes glares at her. “We can’t stand each other,” she says. Mercedes goes to her locker and angrily turns her combination and opens it. “I don’t get what the big deal is. Its just a free trip to Breadstix.” Mercedes is clearly angry here. She may not get along with Santana but I don’t think that’s where all of her anger is coming from. I think she’s partly upset because Kurt rejected her. She didn’t ask Kurt to sing with her, but she assumed that he would. Its obvious that Mercedes sees performing a duet as an act of friendship and affection. That’s why she asks Sanatana “why would I want to do a duet with you,” if “we can’t stand each other.”

Santana sees duets differently. She tells Mercedes straight up that “its a competition.” Then gives her something that I think Mercedes has been missing at McKinley, respect and validation. “We are the two best singers in this school!” Mercedes begins to open up, “our voices do sound good together,” she says and Santana agrees. “We will be the undisputed top bitches at this school!” Hello TroubleTones! Glee likes to do these episode parallels. In 2.04 Mercedes and Santana join forces for the first time. In 3.04, Mercedes and Santana create the TroubleTones. There are more parallels between 2.04 and 3.04 but I’ll discuss that when we analyze 3.04.

When we get to the duet we see Mercedes and Santana performing (“River Deep, Mountain High”) with so much confidence and badassness that Rachel and Finn twitch in the face and shift uncomfortably in their chairs. They have already schemed amongst themselves to have Sam Evans win the competition. But these girls are throwing a wrench in their plans. Mercedes and Santana are usually ignored in ND, but what they learn from that duet is that when they come together, they are a force to be reckoned. When its over, the girls just know that they’ve won. They are confident about it. Everyone in ND looks impressed but Finn and Rachel look scared. Its ND leadership against TroubleTones leadership, the prequel round.

Mercedes and Santana sit with each other during Mike and Tina’s performance. They are still confident that they’ll win. “I’m ready to get my Breadstix on,” Santana says. She and Mercedes fist bump. Mercedes wants to win the competition but she also joins in Mike and Tina’s song like the rest of ND, and Santana can’t understand that. Santana’s anger and resentment is so much more pronounced than Mercedes’ at this point.

I think Santana sees the worst in people first before she can see the good in them, and that’s why she can look at ND, especially its leadership, and see all the hypocrisy. Lets take a look at some of that hypocrisy. Rachel tells Quinn that she thinks it would be good to have healthy competition in ND, you know, a good “number two.” Really, Rachel? Mercedes and Santana are obviously her Finn’s real competition. But Mercedes and Santana are unacceptable. They don’t fit the mold of ND “leadership.” So Rachel and Finn create something superficial and non-threatening, something that conforms to their vision for ND, in the form of Quinn and Sam. ND is full of all types of hypocrisy, but Mercedes isn’t quite ready to see it like that, but Santana is.

When its announced that Sam and Quinn are the winners, Mercedes is shocked, but Santana rages. She jumps out of her chair, ready to attack. Mercedes has to pull her back and comfort her. Santana is full of all this anger, but Mercedes isn’t there yet. She will be eventually.

At the end of the episode, we see the last duet. Its between Rachel and Kurt. Kurt didn’t want to duet with Mercedes but he ends up doing a duet with Rachel. This is interesting. I wonder how Mercedes felt about that. There is one reaction shot of Mercedes and its very strange. Her eyes read, “what the hell is this,” but her mouth is frozen into some type of half smile.

The thing is, duets are a form of communication. When Santana approached her about a duet, Mercedes was surprised to learn that she and Santana speak the same language, that they can communicate. On the other hand, Rachel was able to communicate with Kurt in a way that Mercedes wasn’t. The communication breakdown between Mercedes and Kurt continues.

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.03 Grilled Cheesus

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.03 Grilled Cheesus
by Akilah
Episode 2.03 Grilled Cheesus
Sam and Mercedes haven’t met yet. That won’t happen until the next episode. So, no Samcedes.

Mercedes: There’s a lot going on here. Mostly its about her relationship with Kurt but its also about Mercedes herself and how she relates to the people she loves.

A lot has been said in the fandom about how “horrible” Mercedes was to Kurt in this episode by “shoving religion down his throat.” I don’t agree with that view. I think Mercedes was being the best friend that she knew how to be. Mercedes shared her spirituality (the thing that gives her hope and strength) with Kurt in his time of need. It just happened to be something that Kurt was unresponsive to.

This episode is where the break down in communication between Mercedes and Kurt begins, and it only gets worse as the season progresses.

When Kurt says that he doesn’t go to church because most churches are homophobic, Mercedes says, “I don’t see anything wrong with a little church in here.” This is the problem. They’re talking but they aren’t listening. The communication breakdown has begun. Quinn on the other hand is completely on board with Mercedes. She gives Kurt the stink eye and says “I agree” to Mercedes statements. She adds that God gives her strength. Quinncedes is sitll on at this point in the season. They have the same world view, they speak the same language.

After Kurt’s dad has a heart attack, Mercedes says that she’s “been struggling with what to say to Kurt all day.” This is an admission that she really doesn’t know how to communicate with him. She goes on to say that she rather sing what she feels and picks “I turn to you” which she says is about “turning to God.” This is a nice gesture, and she’s completely sincere in her attempt to cheer Kurt up but the song ultimately means nothing to him because he doesn’t believe in God.

Kurt says that believing in God is like “adults believing in Santa Clause.” Its a rejection of Mercedes gesture. Mercedes may not have listened to Kurt when he gave her reasons for not liking church, but Kurt didn’t listen to the lyrics of that song, because if he had he would have understood how important her belief in God is. He would have seen more than just “Santa Clause for adults,” and wouldn’t have insulted her so. I don’t think they are hurting each other intentionally, its just that they don’t know what else to say or do.

The two never really communicate until the end of the episode when they both start to listen to each other and compromise. Kurt agrees to go to church and Mercedes sings a song to him that isn’t about God, but about finding something to hold onto. That means something to Kurt because he does have something he holds onto, and that’s his father.

What we see here is that Kurt and Mercedes have different communication styles and world views. They both love each other so they try to work through it, but unfortunately, the two continue to have a break down in communication through out the season, and ultimately grow apart.

What I get from Mercedes in this episode is that she loves with tenacity. Her love is not superficial and she doesn’t give up easily. She didn’t just pray for Quinn and hope the girl would be ok, but she gave Quinn a home to live in and support throughout her pregnancy. She didn’t just give up when Kurt insulted her and rejected her help. She kept at it, rightly or wrongly, until Kurt was receptive to her love and support. If Mercedes loves someone, she truly loves them. She is not halfway, nor is she wavering in her affection. Does this sound like anyone else?
Sam: We only see Sam after Finn (his proxy/foil) prays to Grilled Cheesus to make him QB again. We see the football game and Finn decides to play leader and change Coach Bieste’s play. He convinces Sam to cooperate and what ensues is calamity. Sam gets trampled over and dislocates his shoulder. Finn is now QB. Finns character flaws (selfishness and inflated ego) end up hurting Sam who, as his proxy, may very well be a representative of Finn’s better self.

What’s important here is that when Sam follows behind Finn and takes direction from him, he ends up getting hurt. We’ll see this come up again in later episodes.

Samcedes: There is 0 interaction because they haven’t met yet. Mercedes interaction with Kurt leads itself to Samcedes and Klaine. The two have always been tight and super close. They were each other’s company and support in the jungle that is ND. In “Grilled Cheesus,” that dynamic becomes interrupted and pushes Kurt (him especially in this episode) and Mercedes towards feelings of isolation and loneliness. Neither one is really comforted until they find their significant others in Blaine and Sam.

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.02 Britney/Brittany

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.02 Britney
by Akilah
Sam doesn’t even appear in this episode, so of course, there are no Samcedes moments. And Mercedes is barely there, so this won’t be long.

Mercedes: I don’t even think she gets lines in this episode. We see her in the background in the choir room sitting alone in more than one scene. Perhaps giving the viewer a visual of her impending loneliness and isolation. When she does sit next to someone its either Kurt or Santana. When she and Santana sit next to eachotehr they’re singing along to Rachel’s “Only exception.” Foreshadowing for their number in Duets perhaps?

She and Kurt sit next to each other as Kurt praises the power of Brittany Spears to help Rachel “Blossom” (by dressing in Britney’s sexy school girl outfit from Baby One More Time). Mercedes seems to agree and she and Kurt do a funny little finger wiggle type of hand shake. Kurtcedes is alive and well in this episode. Kurt is the one to suggest Britney Spears songs which Will is vehemently against. This storyline is laying the groundwork for season 3 ND rebellion against Will, which creates the Trouble Tones.

Also, Mercedes has perfect teeth, we learn after Doctor Carl gave all the kids a plaque test. It should come as no surprise being that shes the daughter of a dentist.

Sam: He doesn’t appear in this episode, but his proxy Finn is heavily featured. I won’t go into too much detail about Finn here, but just make a comment about how Sam is Finn’s proxy/foil/replacement.

In the previous episode Finn tells Artie that he’ll get him on the football team. That backfires and he ends up being kicked off, with Sam taking his place. In this episode Finn decides to try-out again for Football. When Artie approaches him about helping him get on the team as well, Finn reneges on his word and tells Artie that he (Finn) has too look out for his self. Its a sad moment and is there purely to show an aspect of Finn’s personality and his character flaw (selfishness). Really, Finn’s dismissal of Artie is pretty unneccessary since 30 seconds later Coach Bieste walks in the locker room and puts them both on the football team. I point this out so I can later discuss what Sam does in a similar situation in 2.04 Duets. Sam is a lot like Finn, but he’s also Finn’s opposite.

Samcedes: I won’t get into it now, but just like Sam and Finn are similar but also opposite in many respects, Finchel and Samcedes are similar and opposite in many ways too. This will be something I would like to touch on when the new episodes air. But I’ll leave all the Finchel/Samcedes parallels alone in season 2 episode analysis.

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.01 Audition

Samcedes Episode Analysis: 2.01 Auditon

by Akilah

Mercedes: As far as Mercedes is concerned, it looks like the groundwork is being laid for Rachel to come in between her and Kurt and steal Kurt away from her. There is a scene with Mercedes and Kurt in the choir room alone, and then Rachel barges in ranting about Sunshine being a better singer than her. Kurt and Mercedes give her the side eye. Kurt calls Rachel a horrible person. Then Rachel literally places herself in between Kurt and Mercedes, foreshadowing Hummelberry and the slow parting of the ways between Mercedes and Kurt.

I think Mercedes had two arcs in season 2, one arc was resolved while the other carried over to season 3. Mercedes first arc was about her loneliness and desire for a boyfriend. Not only does Mercedes want a boyfriend, but she wants to be desired and wanted (this is important for her storyline in season 3 as well, i.e. Sam wooing). We see a glimpse of this in season 1 when she leans against the lockers and watches Puck and Santana kiss. She asks Kurt if he’s ever been kissed and he we learn that he’s never been kissed either. These two form a close friendship, but in season 2 we learn that they are partially substituting each other for significant others.

As Kurt moves towards Blaine, Mercedes becomes more isolated, making her desire for a partner more pronounced. RIB may not have known who they were going to pair Mercedes up with, but they did know that they were going to give her a boyfriend before season 2 ended. It just happened to be Sam.

Mercedes’ second story arc was her wanting to be acknowledge and recognized for her talent in Glee. We see her take small steps towards this but she is not very confidant in herself. She knows she is as good as Rachel but she doesn’t believe that other people will acknowledge that. That story carries over to season 3 and we get the TTones. I don’t understand how some people don’t understand where Mercedes anger came from in Asian F. Its been boiling under the surface since season 1. Her outburst was bound to happen.

So I will definitely be writing about things pertaining to these arcs in my posts about each episode.

Sam: Sam is one of the most well developed characters on Glee. He probably has the best character growth arc while still maintaining consistency. We see this if we look at Sam in 2.01 compared to Sam in 2.19. He’s a different guy, but still maintains the core characteristics and principals that make him so lovable as a character. That’s hard to achieve on this show.

Lets take a look at how Sam begins. He is introduced to us as a kid sitting in the courtyard, taping his foot along to New Directions. He’s wearing a Letterman Jacket (interesting considering the plot for Yes/No) from his old school, we know this because the colors are Blue and Gold, not Mckinley red. This tells us that this kid is a jock and wants everyone to know it. He may even be trying too hard, who wears their old Letterman jacket to their new high school? I think this goes along with the bleach blond hair. The kid wants to be popular so bad that he sorta makes these awkward choices.

His audition song choice is interesting. He sings “Billionaire” a song about conspicuous consumption. The song is about wanting so many unnecessary material things just because you want it. By the end of the season, Sam just wants a house to live in and food to eat. This is such an interesting song choice that its hard to resist not seeing this as foreshadowing. I don’t think RIB really knew what they were going to do with Sam at this point, but what we do know is that they did a wonderful job of evolving him as a character.

Here’s the important thing about Sam that we learn in 2.01. Sam is Finn’s foil/proxy. He literally takes Finn’s place as quarter back of the football team after Finn has been kicked off. This is important to the narrative of Glee season 2 and 3 and possibly season 4. Sam as Finn’s proxy/replacement is also important romantic relationship wise. Think about who Sam has had relationships with and who Finn has had relationships with.

They are both an unrequited object of desire for Kurt. Kurt gives up on Finn in Season 1 and flirts with the idea of being with Sam in season 2 but gives that up rather quickly. Next there is Quinn, and Sam has a relationship with her that is nothing more than Finn/Quinn v.1 before Rachel showed up. Except Sam doesn’t know it, he’s completely earnest. Next Sam gets with Santana whom he possibly loses his virginity to as Finn did. But it isn’t until he finally becomes his own man that Sam dates someone that Finn hasn’t, Mercedes. The funny thing is, he ends up with Rachel’s foil/proxy. So, in a way, he is still following the trajectory of Finn’s relationships. He finds his match when he gets out of the popular kid dating pool.

Sam as Finn v.2 (but better) is something that I will be looking at and analyzing in these episode discussions. The sad thing about the fandom is that no one really takes the time out to properly analyze Mercedes story lines, and Sam only fairs a little better than her in that department. I think there is a lot to be said about these two characters.

Samcedes: They haven’t met yet.